


Commercial Building-Asian Infrastructure Bank
2024-07-04 14:57:02

Project introduction: The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank headquarters office building project is located in the central area of the Olympic Park in Chaoyang District, Beijing. The total land area is about 61,000 square meters, the total construction area is about 389,000 square meters, and the construction and installation investment is about 5.263 billion yuan.

Application product: Tuned mass damper

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安阳县| 原阳县| 郓城县| 门头沟区| 太谷县| 长岛县| 望都县| 巴林左旗| 昭觉县| 滨州市| 兰州市| 云和县| 嘉鱼县| 启东市| 中阳县| 山东| 嘉定区| 宽甸| 延津县| 文安县| 获嘉县| 惠东县| 博罗县| 潢川县| 南澳县| 吐鲁番市| 全南县| 鸡泽县| 贺州市| 甘南县| 涟水县| 富平县| 定州市| 滦平县| 保山市| 桂林市| 广灵县| 赞皇县| 扶风县| 凤城市| 宜阳县|