


Business Building-Chongqing Xiantao Data Valley
2024-07-04 14:54:20

Project introduction: The Chongqing Xiantao Data Valley project is a representative project for the four major industrial sectors of Chongqing, including big data, small sensors, sea storage, and cloud applications, as well as the development of big data, cross-border e-commerce and other high value-added industries. It covers an area of about 1 square kilometer, 1.5 kilometers from the Transnational Expo Center, and 3 kilometers across the Central Park. The three form the "Golden Triangle" of the modern service industry.

Application product: viscous damper

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重庆市| 若尔盖县| 西畴县| 金堂县| 项城市| 应城市| 韶山市| 海原县| 新泰市| 金乡县| 塔城市| 时尚| 陆川县| 崇文区| 广灵县| 增城市| 尼玛县| 巴楚县| 平江县| 韶山市| 孟津县| 文昌市| 珲春市| 来宾市| 新平| 东兰县| 宜城市| 堆龙德庆县| 双辽市| 吉安市| 衡山县| 广州市| 崇义县| 茌平县| 大新县| 祁门县| 宁波市| 盐山县| 大渡口区| 柳州市| 临猗县|