


he Wanping Management Office is a special project for the maintenance of Category 3 bridges and Category 3 components in the Wanping section of the Shanghai-Shaanxi Expressway.
2024-07-04 15:05:07

Wanping Expressway is an important part of the expressway from Shanghai to Xi'an, with a total length of 150.8 kilometers. A total of 144 sets of intelligent prestressed carbon plate reinforcement systems are used in this reinforcement project, with a design tensile strength of 1000MPa and a tensile force of 14 tons, of which 44 sets are 100*1.4mm in size and 20m in length. Meter box girder; 88 sets of carbon plates with a size of 100*1.4 and a length of 25m are used to reinforce 30m box girder; 12 sets of carbon plates with a size of 100*1.4mm and a length of 30m are used to reinforce 35m box girder.

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和林格尔县| 河源市| 乡城县| 蓬安县| 江都市| 邻水| 牙克石市| 阿克| 稻城县| 黎川县| 宁南县| 涪陵区| 万荣县| 岳池县| 凯里市| 徐汇区| 当雄县| 谢通门县| 托克逊县| 马山县| 曲阜市| 天祝| 兴安盟| 临汾市| 昌图县| 海原县| 南乐县| 西畴县| 泸水县| 绥中县| 新宁县| 壶关县| 达尔| 黔江区| 塘沽区| 吉木乃县| 靖江市| 广水市| 德阳市| 凉山| 海淀区|